Halo agan sista, buat yang belum tahu nih, jadi Neofetch merupakan sebuah mini-tool sistem informasi pada Command Line yang ditulis dalam bash 3.2+. Neofetch ini berguna untuk menampilkan beberapa informasi tentang sistem operasi agan sista, perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras dengan cara yang keren dan menyenangkan secara visual.

Mengapa bisa disebut keren dan menyenangkan secara visual? Karena dengan Neofetch, kalian bisa melihat di terminal sisi sebelah kanan menampilkan informasi sistem sementara sebelah kiri menampilkan logo dari OS yang kita pakai dengan format ASCII.

Sudah, daripada kelamaan intronya, gimana kalau kita langsung praktek aja gan sist. Jadi, langkah pertama yang harus kita lakukan tentu saja membuka terminal terlebih dahulu. Bisa melalui start app atau bisa juga menggunakan shortcut tombol CTRL + ALT + T.

Apabila sudah, agan sista bisa langsung mengetikkan beberapa perintah berikut di Terminal. Menurut halaman githubnya di https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch, berikut adalah beberapa perintah yang dapat digunakan untuk menginstal Neofetch di beberapa Distro / OS yang telah support:

Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux v3.8 and up

Update repositories
apk update
Install the package
apk add neofetch

Android (Termux)

Neofetch is in Termux's default repos.
Update repositories
pkg update
Install the package
pkg install neofetch


Neofetch is available in the official repos.

Install the package
pacman -S neofetch


Neofetch is available in the official repos.

Update repositories
sudo apt-get update
Install the package
sudo apt-get install neofetch

Debian Stretch / Sid (Unstable)

Neofetch is in Debian Stretch/Sid's official repositories.
Update repositories
sudo apt-get update
Install the package
sudo apt-get install neofetch
NOTE: Debian stretch repo only contains version 2.0.2.
NOTE2: The third party bintray repo has been deprecated, if you want to stay up to date with neofetch on Debian stable, then you need to manually install newer packages from unstable or download neofetch directly from git repository since it's contained in single file.

Gentoo / Funtoo

You can install app-misc/neofetch from Gentoo/Funtoo's official repositories. To install the git version of neofetch, use =app-misc/neofetch-9999 instead.


Install it with the official recipe.
sudo Compile neofetch

macOS (Homebrew)

Install neofetch with Homebrew
brew install neofetch


Install it from the official repositories
sudo nix-env -i neofetch


Download the files from SlackBuilds and follow their instructions.


You can find neofetch in software center under System Software > System Utilities or type sudo eopkg it neofetch.

Ubuntu Ubuntu 17.04 and up

Install it from the official repositories.

Update repositories
sudo apt update
Install the package
sudo apt install neofetch

Ubuntu 16.10 and below

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dawidd0811/neofetch
Update repositories
sudo apt update
Install the package
sudo apt install neofetch

Void Linux

Install it from the official repositories
sudo xbps-install -S neofetch

openSUSE Leap or Tumbleweed

Install it from the official repositories.
sudo zypper install neofetch

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