When you think of a keyboard on an Android device you generally only picture an image with a row of letters for typing. Some keyboards as of late have added in additional features such as searching for a GIF (to be inserted into a messaging app) or doing an actual web search with Google (Gboard) or Bing (SwiftKey). You can do a lot more with a keyboard on Android and this is especially true with Kboard from XDA Junior Member adgad. In fact, Kboard is actually meant to be used alongside your regular keyboard of choice.

Kboard is a programmable keyboard that was originally designed to provide a set of keys which can be used to output a word/phrase/set of commands with a simple tap. However, it ended up evolving to the point where it can actually get data from the internet as well. A great example of this in action can be found in the embedded video below where the developer shows how you can use it with Wolfram Alpha to do calculations, get bits of data, and more. The application is available for free in the Play Store right now, and the GitHub page for the project can be found right here.
Kboard Features:
  • Pre-write Happy birthday messages
  • Send a random emoji, or 100 random emoji
  • Type a question and get an answer from Wolfram Alpha
  • Type a song name and turn it into a youtube video link
  • Convert blah to https://blah.com
  • Type awkward things like ಠ_à²