Komponen Swingx ini isinya banyak, sangat memudahkan kita dalam merancang aplikasi dengan java.
berikut penjelasannya. :
Contains extensions to the Swing GUI toolkit, Including new and enhanced components that provide functionality commonly required by rich client applications. Highlights include:
Sorting, filtering, highlighting for tables, trees, and lists
Find / search
Login / authentication framework
TreeTable component
Collapsible panel component
Date picker component
Tip-of-the-Day component
Many of these features Eventually will be incorporated into the Swing toolkit, Although API compatibility will not be guaranteed. The SwingX project focuses on the raw components EXCLUSIVELY Themselves.

Download disini  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17884786/swingx-all-1.6.4.jar
Cara menggunkan di netbeans, (saya pake versi 8.2)
Klik menu Tools -> Pallete -> Swing/AWT Components
Pilih New Category dan buat kategori dengan nama SwingX

Klik Add From JAR
Cari file swingx-all-1.6.4.jar yang telah di download.
Pilih semua dengan Ctrl+A seperti gambar diatas
Pilih category swingx dan Finish

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