In my last post I walked through the code of the blank template that is created for an ASP.NET Core 1 RC1 application. In this post we will take a closer look at the how this application works.

First let’s run the application by clicking the IIS Express button in Visual Studio.


Your browser should open and display the message “Hello World!”. If you look in your system tray you will find IIS Express serving up WebApplication1 so you application is running on IIS. If you now go into your browser’s debugging tools (for example, press F12 in Internet Explorer), go to network monitor and refresh the page you will be able to view response header:


You can see that even though we are running on IIS, the web server is reported as Kestrel since that is the actual server we are running on, IIS is just serving as a reverse proxy passing the requests to Kestrel.

Next click the down arrow next to IIS Express:


In the list below IIS Express you will see all the commands that have been declared in the project.json file. In the blank template there is only one command “web”. Click on web to start the application using this command. This time instead of a web browser opening you will see a window like this:


In this case we are running directly on Kestrel instead of Kestrel running behind IIS. To view the output of the application use the URL that is being listened on shown in the window, in this case http://localhost:5000. You will not see IIS Express in the system tray and if you look at the network monitor it will still show the server as Kestrel.

Now let’s look at the IISPlatformHandler. This piece of middleware allows Windows Integrated Authentication and TLS Authentication to pass through to Kestrel. In Startup.cs change the line that displays “Hello World” to this:

await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello " + context.User.Identity.Name);

Just like previous versions of ASP.NET you can use the User property of the HttpContext to get authentication information. To run your app in IISExpress using Windows Authentication go to the project properties, go to the Debug tab, make sure the IISExpress profile is selected and then uncheck Enable Anonymous Authentication, and check Enable Windows Authentication.

If you run this using IISExpress you will see your account name if you are on a Windows domain, or you will be prompted to enter your username and password and again the name will be displayed. In this scenario the IISPlatformHandler is handling the authentication and passing their information along to Kestrel in the context.

Now run the application use the web command. When you browse to the page this time you will just get “Hello”. In this scenario we are connecting directly to Kestrel and not going through IISExpress so the IISPlatformHandler doesn’t have an effect.

With the web page displayed try adding a file to the end of the URL, for example http://localhost:63694/test.html. When your browse to this URL the page will still return “Hello”. How about adding a path, http://localhost:63694/test/test.html. Again you will only get “Hello” as a response. As I mentioned in my introductory article ASP.NET Core 1 applications have no functionality by default, not even the ability to server files. Every URL we use just runs the same middleware to display the hello message. In the a future post I will show how to enable various pieces of stock middleware to enable these features.

I hope the demonstrations in this article give you a better idea of some of the differences between the new ASP.NET and previous versions.