So far we have looked at how to create and read records from Salesforce using the REST API, so the final two basic operations we need are Update and Delete.


The code for doing an update is almost identical to the code for doing an insert with just two small differences.
First we need to specify the ID of the record we want to update in the URI just like we did for a read:

var uri = instanceURL + "/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Account/0017000000hX4Iz";

Second we will use PATCH for the HTTP method instead of POST. Not that PATCH isn’t a standard HTTP method, but fortunately the .NET WebRequest class allows for arbitrary methods.
Just like with an insert you put the JSON or XML encoded object into the body of the request. You can put all the fields in the body or just the ones you want to update.  If you decide to use XML for the body don’t forget to change the ContentType from JSON to XML:
req.ContentType = "application/xml";

The only other difference with an update is the response. Unlike the other function we have looked at so far, the content of the response will be empty if the update succeeds.


Delete is probably the simplest operation. We use the same URI as an update, one that contains the id of the record we want to delete, and set the HTTP method to DELETE. Nothing needs to be put in the body of the request for a delete. Just like an update, if the delete is successful the response will be empty.